EvalPartners Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Programme
EvalPartners’ Peer-to-Peer (P2P) grant mechanism is an effective method in fostering South/South and triangular cooperation by encouraging two or more VOPEs to form partnerships to share advice and lessons learned when it comes to evaluation practices.
The Peer-to-Peer (P2P) program offers an innovative approach to strengthening VOPE capabilities by encouraging two or more VOPEs to strengthen their capacities to achieve any of the four long‐term results aligned to the EvalPartners results framework:
- VOPEs have strengthened institutional capacities
- VOPEs are able to play strategic roles to strengthen enabling environments for evaluation within their countries, contributing to improved national evaluation systems and policies
- VOPE members have strengthened evaluation capacities and
- VOPEs have adopted principles of equity, gender equality and social justice and on shared principles of partnership, innovation, inclusivity, democracy and human rights
The P2P program offers a small‐grant facility that supports bilateral and multilateral projects jointly developed by national or regional VOPEs in partnership with research and academic organizations as well as parliaments.
EvalPartners P2P Call for Proposals – 2021
Evaluation as an agile tool for an appropriate response in uncertain times
Deadline for the submission of your proposal is April 22, 2021
EvalPartners held an open Call inviting Voluntary Organizations for Professional Evaluation (VOPEs) to apply for Peer to Peer grants for implementation of partnership projects jointly developed by at least two VOPEs. The idea was to encourage two or more VOPEs to form mutually beneficial partnerships with each other to promoted shared advice and learning.
Through this Call, a total of 33 applications were received involving 63 VOPEs distributed regionally across these countries:
A total of $130,000 was distributed to the winning projects.
Nepal and Afghanistan
Amount Awarded
Project Title and Documents
Building Grounds for NEP and National EvalAgenda2020
Argentina and Bolivia
Amount Awarded
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Binational Working Meeting: towards a 2017- 2020 Binational Working Agenda for the institutionalization of evaluation
Vietnam, Mongolia and Laos
Amount Awarded
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Launching and applying the Asian Regional Framework on Evaluation Standards (ARFES) in Vietnam- Mongolia and Laos
Latin America, Caribbean countries, India, Nepal, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Africa
Amount Awarded
Project Title and Documents
Developing a Culturally Responsive Curriculum on Gender Transformative Evaluation based on best practices: A South to South Collaboration
Albania, Kosovo and Romania
Amount Awarded
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ARK2GEA – Transnational cooperation Albania-Romania-Kosovo towards the implementation of Global Evaluation Agenda 2016-2020
Cameroon and Tchad
Amount Awarded
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Advocacy for the institutionalization of Evaluation in Central Africa
Lebanon, Palestine and Jordan
Amount Awarded
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Empowering Young and Emerging Evaluators in the Middle East and North Africa Region (MENA EvalYouth)
Peru and Ecuador
Amount Awarded
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Strengthening the institutional capacity of the Andean VOPEs (Ecuador, and Peru) on new evaluation approaches considering youth, gender, cultural diversity, ethnic groups and ecological sustainability, in order to promote the culture of evaluation
Sénégal, Cote d’Ivoire, Djibouti and Quebec
Amount Awarded
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Innovation to strengthen institutional and individual evaluation capacities in Senegal, Côte d’Ivoire and Djibouti, primarily through Young and Emerging Evaluator (YEE) & Associations
Uganda and Tanzania
Amount Awarded
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Regional Integration of Capacities in Evaluation (RICE) for SDGs
Small Grants Program (2015-2016)
The second round of P2P projects (Small Grants Program) supported eight projects in 2015-2016, and more information about this can be found here. This Small Grants Program aimed to support the launch of the Global Evaluation Agenda 2016-2020. The program supported projects that contributed to six thematic areas as well as to three major components of evaluation capacity: individual capacity, VOPE capacity and enabling environment. These projects also contributed to 18 outcome subareas: