Evidence Matters: promoting evidence as a powerful tool to accelerate progress towards the SDGs
What is the EvalPartners Evidence Matters program?
The Evidence Matters program is a Flagship Program under the global EvalPartners initiative, designed to raise the profile of evaluation and evidence through three key objectives:
- Broadening the base of “uses” and “users” of evaluation
- Maximizing innovation to evaluate the SDGs
- Increasing demand for evaluation
What is the aim of the Evidence Matters campaign?
The Evidence Matters campaign were envisioned to focus on three key objectives where participation from network partners and stakeholders support us to achieve three tangible outcomes:
- Renew the commitment to a Global Evaluation Agenda 2030 building on EvalAgenda2020
- Support the adoption of a new United Nations Resolution on country-led Evaluation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) by influencing the High-Level Political Forum and the UN General Assembly
- Document and share the use of evaluative evidence to inform the implementation of EvalAgenda 2030
Visit the Evidence Matters Microsite for more!