EvalPartners Global Evaluation Forum held in Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic, April 26 to 28, 2017
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The Bishkek Partnership Statement / L’Énoncé de partenariat de Bichkek
The Third Global Evaluation Forum organized by EvalPartners took place in Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic from April 25 to 28, 2017.
It brought together government representatives, parliamentarians, development partners, foundations, the private sector, universities, civil society organizations, and the evaluation community to review progress of the EvalAgenda 2020, particularly in support of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), and to map out productive partnerships for the future.
Testimonies of Forum participants on the significance of the event were shared on Youtube.
Participants to the Forum worked hard, took stock of the situation, and planned for the future, but a recurring theme was the need for strong links among the various efforts to promote quality evaluation in support of the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. A concrete result of the deliberations was the adoption of the Bishkek Partnership Statement which was signed in the presence of the Speaker and Vice-Speaker of the Parliament of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Click here to read the full statement.
Le troisième Forum global de l’évaluation organisé par EvalPartners a eu lieu à Bichkek, République kirghize, du 25 au 28 avril 2017. Il a regroupé des représentants de gouvernements, des parlementaires, des partenaires de développement, des fondations, des organisations du secteur privé et de la société civile, des universités et de la communauté de l’évaluation pour apprécier les progrès de l’EvalAgenda 2020, notamment ceux liés aux objectifs de développement durable (ODDs), et pour cartographier les partenariats productifs pour le futur. Des témoignages de participants au Forum concernant la signification de l’événement sont présentés sur Youtube.
Les participants au Forum ont travaillé dur, ont fait le bilan de la situation et ont planifié pour le futur. Un thème est revenu constamment, soit la nécessité de liens solides entre les différents efforts visant à promouvoir une évaluation de la qualité à l’appui des Objectifs de développement durable de 2030. Un résultat concret des délibérations a été l’adoption de l’Énoncé de partenariat de Bichkek qui a été signé en présence du président et de la vice-présidente du Parlement de la République kirghize.
Cliquez ici pour lire la déclaration complète.
EvalPartners Awards 2017
Thank you to everyone who submitted nominations for the EvalPartners Awards which were announced at the Global Evaluation Forum in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan in April 2017. These awards were designed to celebrate contributions made to the advancement of the EvalPartners Vision at the regional, national and global levels. The winners of the 2017 Awards were:
Regional Award Winners
Antonella Guidoccio
Ada Ocampo, Antonella Guidoccio and Marie Gervais
Co-Founder and Co-Chair of EvalYouth Latin America
Member of EvaluAR and ReLAC
Fation Luli
President of the Albanian Society of Program
National Award Winners
Tatiana Tretiakova
Tatiana Tretiakova and Ada Ocampo
Dedicated lead and Member of Kyrgyz VOPE
Idrissa Balla
Member of the Nigerian Monitoring and Evaluation Network
Global Level
Natalia Kosheleva
Marie Gervais and Natalia Kosheleva
Past President, IOCE
Past Co-Chair, EvalPartners
Member of Russian Association of Specialists
In Program and Policy Evaluation
Hon. Kabir Hashim
Chair, Global Parliamentarians Forum for Evaluation
Minister of Public Enterprise Development, Sri Lanka
Young Emerging Evaluator
Josette Arévalo Gross
Ada Ocampo, Marie Gervais, Khalil Bitar and Josette Arévalo Gross
Co-Chair, EvalYouth
Member of ReLAC and EvalYouth LAC Initiative
The Forum was organized by EvalPartners, together with the International Organization for Cooperation in Evaluation (IOCE), the United Nations Evaluation Group (UNEG), the Global Parliamentarians Forum for Evaluation, the Kyrgyz M&E Network, and the Eurasian Evaluation Network from April 26 to 28, 2017. The Parliament of the Kyrgyz Republic and the Government of Kyrgyz Republic were strong partners of the event.

The third Global Evaluation Forum brought together some 150 delegates including government representatives, parliamentarians, development partners, foundations, the private sector, universities, the civil society and the evaluation community to review progress of the EvalAgenda2020, particularly in support of the SDGs, and to map out productive partnerships for the future.
The theme of the Third Global Forum was “Transforming our world through evaluation: engagement and partnerships for the better world we want”. EvalPartners and its Networks are actively engaging in operationalizing the EvalAgenda2020 in line with the 2030 SDGs. The Global Forum was a platform to review progress made 17 months after the launch of EvalAgenda 2020. This initial period was crucial in preparing stakeholders (including government partners, parliamentarians, the evaluation community, the civil society, and development partners) in using the EvalAgenda2020 for evaluation capacity building. Stock-taking helped celebrate accomplishments, draw lessons learned, identify good practices, explore fruitful collaborations, raise awareness of responsibilities, and plan for more results in coming years.
Testimonies from the Forum
Click the links below to view video testimonies from the Third Global Evaluation forum.
Benoit Gauthier
Tsou Fematouo Thiery
Miché Quédraogo
Fiona Cram
John Njovu
Nicole Bowman
Serge Eric Yakeu Djiam
Kathryn Newcomer
Claudia Olavarría Manriquez
Colin Kirk
Riitta Oksanen
Oscar Arboleda
Gana Pati Ojha
Dana Shdeed Sayyour