EvalPartners Governance Structure
The EvalPartners Executive Committee endorsed the EvalPartners Governance Structure in July 2019. To download the full EvalPartners Governance Structure click here.
EvalPartners Members
- The EvalPartners family constitutes three Colleges:
- The Voluntary Organizations for Professional Evaluation (VOPE) College, through the International Organization through Cooperation in Evaluation (IOCE)
- The United Nations College, through the United Nations Evaluation Group (UNEG) and individual UN agencies
- The Key Partners’ College, through the African Development Bank’s Independent Evaluation Office and other partners
- EvalPartners is a partnership of organizations, formal or informal, who have a set of values and goals in common and who share a vision for evaluation defined in the Global Evaluation Agenda.
- Partner organizations agree to adhere to the following partnership statement expressing their commitment to the initiative and their willingness to contribute actively.
- EvalPartners is an apolitical global initiative advocating for building the evaluation field and evidence-based policy making. Members of EvalPartners affirm their engagement in evaluation as an effective instrument for promoting and supporting equitable sustainable development.
- Members of EvalPartners form an alliance based on values of equity, gender equality, and social justice while embedding shared principles of partnership, innovation, engagement, transparency, collaboration, inclusivity, and human rights, driven by a desire to improve our world through questioning, experimentation, evidence-building, and learning.
- Members of EvalPartners adhere to the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals, and strongly support their achievement for the benefit of people, planet, prosperity, peace, and partnerships.
- Members of EvalPartners contribute to these Goals through the evaluation trade in terms of learning from experiences, providing rigorous and useful data, and continuously improving local, national, regional, and global interventions.
- Members of EvalPartners pledge to invest continued effort in working in collaboration with others to support common objectives, the Sustainable Development Goals, and the ultimate vision of a peaceful, fair, equitable, and just global society in equilibrium with its natural environment.
The basis of authority of EvalPartners is the Assembly of Partners which is comprised of all partners who meets at least once a year. The IOCE College carries the voice of VOPEs. The UN College comprise all interested UN agencies engaging with EvalPartners. The Key Partners College regroups all other entities in the evaluation ecosystem which adhere to the ideals of EvalPartners.
EvalPartners is managed by the following Committees: the Executive Committee, the International Advisory Committee, the Programming Committee, the Networks, the Coordination Committee, and the Evaluation and Knowledge Management Committee.
Ad hoc taskforces are created for certain EvalPartners work streams.
EvalPartners receives financial support from the Finnish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and the World Food Programme.