Vision 2030: EvalPartners adopts new Strategic Plan
EvalPartners is delighted to announce that the EvalPartners executive committee adopted on 3 January a new strategic plan for the period 2023-2030.
The strategic approach of EvalPartners has evolved with the shift in the evaluation landscape and ecosystem. More institutions are leading evaluation at the national, regional and global levels, and more opportunities for evaluation capacity development emerged.
Although this raised the profile for evaluation globally, it also asked of players in this space to define their unique role and contribution.
The new EvalPartners Strategic Plan comes at a critical time as we work towards 2030. EvalPartners is currently leading advocacy efforts for a UN resolution on country-led evaluation of progress for the SDGs. Momentum is building for the next Global Evaluation Forum and EvalPartners is convening the global evaluation community under the banner of the Global Evaluation Agenda 2030 to generate shared directions for evaluation to 2030.
Arriving at the 2030 vision for EvalPartners was marked by in-depth consultation with the global evaluation community. We thank you for your inputs and interest!
You can download the EvalPartners new EvalPartners Strategic Plan here:
As you familiarise yourself with the content, we hope you find entry points to align with the vision, mission, principles and strategies as set out in this plan.
All best,
The EP Secretariat