Featuring a two week program, the Core Course in week one, offers a comprehensive overview of development evaluation fundamentals. The specialised workshop offerings in week two will allow participants to tailor and further deepen their learning. Please proceed to the website for program details, accommodation options as well as the portal for online application: http://www.ipdet.unibe.ch/
IPDET was developed to fill a global need that continues today for short-term, intensive, executive-level training in development evaluation. IPDET provides managers and practitioners with the generic tools required to evaluate development policies, programs and projects at the local, national, regional and global levels. A unique training initiative of the Independent Evaluation Group of the World Bank, the Centre for Evaluation (CEval), and Bern University, it is offered for the first time this summer in Bern, Switzerland. We have worked to build on the successes of the past 16 programs to offer what we believe is a world-class learning experience.
IPDET is designed for development professionals who will or are conducting, managing or using evaluations. Participants can come from government ministries or agencies in the developing world, development banks, the non-profit and foundation sectors, the United Nations system, as well as bilateral development agencies, universities, think tanks, and private sector consulting firms specializing in development evaluation. In addition, all countries are required to evaluate their contribution to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals set in the UN’s 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. This makes it more important than ever to develop the capacities to conduct and commission high-quality evaluations.
Applicants can register for any combination of the program that meets their educational needs – from a two or three-day workshop to the entire two-week program. In addition to intensive learning in large and small groups, the program includes special guest speakers, networking events, participant roundtables, and more.
Please visit http://www.ipdet.unibe.ch/ for more information about the program and our group of world-class, international faculty. Apply now!