EvalPartners working closely with ReLAC is putting out a Call for Contributions for an Independent Consultant to conduct a research and produce a research paper on: “Can we talk about a ‘Made in Latinamerica and the Caribbean evaluation’?: Where are we?”
The research paper will be used to prepare the Memorial Lecture to be launched at the ReLAC Conference during a plenary session in November 2022.
The Consultant’s responsibilities include to:
- Review relevant background materials and develop a research outline & methodology
- Assess the evaluation landscape in Latinamerica & the Caribbean and its adequacy for the region’s present development realities and priorities
- Assess the progress made in implementing South Epistemologies in Evaluation
- Discuss how to transform the practice of evaluation in LAC from a South Epistemologies Evaluation perspective
- Describe who are the key players and what role should they play in spearheading a possible
- Made in LAC Evaluation/ Evaluación desde LAC
- Discuss current capacities to meet this transformation
- Identify Dr Sulley Gariba’s perspective to evaluation and highlight its use, articulated with LAC perspectives, for promoting South Epistemologies on the continent and globally
- Make practical recommendations on strengthening “Evaluación desde LAC” in our region
- Synthesise the paper into key points that could be presented in the 30-minute lecture, working closely with the lecture presenter
- Review the lecture presentation prepared for the event
- Review the research paper and work taking into account the Reference Group advises and comments
More details can be found in the Terms of Reference AT THIS LINK