1. Strengthen regional evaluation function and capacity development
Support the implementation of revised Regional Evaluation Framework and Action Plan, in accordance with the 2018 Evaluation Policy, and build regional evaluation capacity.
- Monitor and report on the implementation of Regional Evaluation Framework and Action Plan and its key indicators against targets.
- Support the implementation and update(s) of regional evaluation-related guidance notes on evaluation management and use, quality assurance, and national evaluation capacity development (NECD).
- Organize and plan regular regional evaluation network meetings with relevant colleagues at country, regional and headquarter levels, focusing on regional priorities and key evaluation topics.
- Provide evaluation capacity development support at the country and regional levels, including the design and delivery of training curricula.
- Support the NECD activities and management of NECD related partnerships (including the regional Programme Cooperation Agreement with CLEAR-AA) at country and regional levels.
- Support the development of, and maintain region-specific guidance on a range of topics, including:
- Country Programme Evaluation terms of reference
- Standard operating procedures for country offices on evaluation planning, management, quality assurance and use
- Support other tasks related to strengthening the regional evaluation function, including providing support to country offices and the regional office in increasing evaluability, evaluation coverage, evaluation quality, independence of evaluation function in country offices, etc.
2. Evaluation design, management, quality assurance and use
Support the planning, management and quality assurance of country-level, multi-country and regional evaluations, as assigned by the Regional Evaluation Adviser.
- Support evaluation planning, design, management and use of specific evaluations (and evaluative work) of country offices.
- Support the quality assurance function of the Evaluation Section, reviewing terms of reference, inception reports and draft evaluation reports.
- Support the management of regional evaluations (and evaluative work), in accordance with the 2018 Evaluation Policy and regional guidance notes on Evaluation Management and Use and Quality Assurance.
3. Regional knowledge management, peer support and networking
Facilitate the sharing of, and learning from, evaluation-related lessons, conclusions and recommendations, and support knowledge exchanges on content and methods across and beyond a range of regional stakeholders.
- Maintain and update the Evaluation page of UNICEF ESARO public website.
- Manage ESARO Evaluation Section’s SharePoint collaboration site and ensure the organization of document libraries and their contents and the accessibility to relevant users.
- Provide knowledge sharing and knowledge management supports to country offices on evaluation-related topics and matters.
- Liaise with the Evaluation Office at headquarters on Evidence Information Systems Integration (EISI) record keeping and related questions/issues.
- Support ESARO’s Evaluation Section’s engagement in and contribution to United Nations Network for Evaluation in Eastern and Southern Africa (UNNEESA).
- Develop knowledge products or organize knowledge sharing/peer learning events for different audiences on lessons, conclusions and recommendations from country-specific, multi-country and regional evaluations.
Advanced university degree in social sciences, statistics, international development or development economics
- At least four (4) years professional work experience related to evaluation, research and/or knowledge management/learning
- Experience in conducting research and analysis on social and economic issues and in conducting meta-analyses or systematic reviews
- Demonstrated interest and skills in knowledge sharing, peer learning and networking
- Experience in working with multiple stakeholders at different levels – including government, civil society, and other development partners
- Familiarity with the development context of Eastern and Southern African countries.
- English(Mandatory), Level – Fluent
- French(Optional), Level – Working Knowledge