The Stockholm Evaluation Unit (SEU) is calling for proposals for an evaluation to look at an MSF SRH project in Kananga, DRC.
Please note that this evaluation is looking for a partly or fully francophone evaluation team. Note that the terms of reference attached below are in French. Please read them thoroughly before sending in your application.
Date de début/fin: mars 2022 – mai 2023
TdR: Pour de plus amples informations, veuillez voir les Termes de Référence ici:
Candidature: Les candidat(e)s intéressé(e)s sont invité(e)s à soumettre : 1) Une proposition décrivant comment l’évaluation sera menée (y compris un budget dans un fichier séparé) 2) CV (s) 3) Un exemple écrit d’évaluation déjà réalisée
Date limite pour postuler: 17 mars, 2022
Candidature à soumettre à: sous reference “KANAN”
Considérations particulières: Cette évaluation comprend deux phases principales, mais vise un feedback continu pour permettre l’adaptation du projet au cours de son implémentation. Le timing exact de l’évaluation est susceptible d’être ajusté en fonction de la réalité sur le terrain vs chronogramme défini, ainsi que de la méthodologie suggérée par l’équipe d’évaluation.
Click here to view pdf.
Doctors without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) is an international medical humanitarian organization determined to bring quality medical care to people in crises around the world, when and where they need regardless of religion, ethnical background, or political view. Our fundamental principles are neutrality, impartiality, independence, medical ethics, bearing witness and accountability.
The Stockholm Evaluation Unit (SEU), based in Sweden, is one of three MSF units of the Intersectional Evaluation Group (IEG), tasked to manage and guide evaluations of MSF’s operational projects. For more information see
When sending your application, you also agree that we will register your data in our register and manage it in accordance with the Data Protection Regulation. If you are selected for the consultancy, your personal data might be shared with MSF Operational Centres. If you are not selected, we will save your data for up to two years for our statistics unless otherwise requested by applicant.