Dear Members,

We, in the EvalGender+ management group, are reaching out  to understand what has worked in trainings on Equity focused and Gender Responsive (EFGR) Evaluations. This information would help to design and deliver effective trainings and ensure application and use of obtained skills and knowledge.  We invite your experiences, lessons learned and recommendations on the following questions:

  1. What kinds of trainings/courses have you attended or conducted on Equity focused and Gender Responsive Evaluation?
  2. What are the 2-3 ‘take aways’ from the course/training that you were able to apply to your work?
  3. What  elements helped in application/use of training (method, duration, materials, etc)?
  4. What would you suggest to ensure use of knowledge/skills obtained in trainings on  EFGR evaluations?

We plan to compile the inputs and prepare a list of recommendations to those who contract, deliver or use trainings. Please respond by 15th Nov 2017 on this link forum/topics/trainings-on- equity-focused-gender- responsive-evaluation-what-hav