The 2nd APEA Conference 2019 will be held in Manila, Philippines from 25 February to 1 March. The theme of the Conference is “Reducing Poverty-Enabling Peace: Evaluation for accountability, transparency and sustainable development”. The Asia Pacific Evaluation Association (APEA) is a regional organization representing national evaluation societies and networks. The conference is organized by APEA in partnership with the Asian Development Bank, UNICEF, UNFPA, 3ie and the Global Parliamentarians Forum for Evaluation (GPFE). The Philippines is one of the first countries in the region to have a national evaluation policy.

The Day 1 will mark capacity building opportunities on various aspects including a workshop on Evidence Based VNRs conducted by UNICEF which will be held in Marco Polo Hotel, Manila.

The Day 2 of the Conference on February 26, 2019, will feature a Parliamentarians’ session highlighting their commitments towards evaluation in the context of the Agenda 2030 as a follow up to the EvalColombo2018. The session, to be held at the Congress of the Philippines in Quezon City, is a milestone as it will be the first national parliament in East Asia and Pacific region hosting an international evaluation event. It is expected that parliamentarians from the region and beyond together with government officials, evaluation professionals and development partners will attend the session.

The inauguration of the 2nd APEA Conference will be held on 27th February (Day 3) at the Asian Development Bank Head Quarters in Manila. The President of ADB will deliver a special address. The 3-day conference features key note speeches, panels, roundtables and world café sessions giving opportunity for participants to learn, share, network and commit for the advancement of evaluation for transformative development. The last two days (Days 4 and 5) of the conference will be held in Marco Polo Hotel, Manila.

The 2nd APEA Conference 2019 expects an audience of around 300 delegates coming from a wide range of participants –legislators from various countries, representatives from UN, government executives, representatives of development organizations/ multilateral banks, research think tanks and academia.

We are happy to invite you to the 2nd APEA International Evaluation Conference and your presence will make the conference a wonderful platform to make a difference in the evaluation field. Please liaise with the conference secretariat for details. Further information can be accessed on

Prof. Romeo Santos, President – APEA
Ms. Umi Hanik, Secretary – APEA
Ms. Erika Lareza, Conference Secretariat,
Mr. Asela Kalugampitiya (for the parliamentarians session)

Please click here to view the conference flyer.