International Organization for Cooperation in Evaluation
EvalPartners Global Initiative
Terms of Reference for Development of e-learning Module on DRG Evaluation

Calling applications from qualified consultants for this assignment until 6th June 2019.

EvalPartners, formed by the International Organization for Cooperation in Evaluation (IOCE) and the UN, is an innovative partnership whose members are Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and Voluntary Organizations for Professional Evaluation (VOPEs). Together, these partners strive to influence policymakers, public opinion, and other key stakeholders into recognizing the need on effective evaluation as necessary to any important decision. EvalPartners has credibly demonstrated its capacity to bring together organizations from across the globe in order to enhance evaluation capabilities of VOPEs and individual members. Since 2013, EvalPartners and its partners have been working to promote and develop evaluation as a mainstream tool to be used by policymakers and decision-makers everywhere.

  • It created and launched e-learning resources on its website, easily accessible to anyone wanting to learn evaluation skills.
  • EvalPartners has also launched an online toolkit, with curated descriptions, tools, advice, examples, software and toolboxes developed by VOPEs and other organizations working to support non-profit organizations.
  • EvalPartners’ Peer-to-Peer (P2P) grant mechanism is an effective method in fostering South/South and triangular cooperation by encouraging two or more VOPEs to form partnerships to share advice and lessons learned when it comes to evaluation practices.
  • Networks have also been launched in order to strengthen evaluation practices for certain specific issues, such as integrating evaluation methods when measuring Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), gender-responsive evaluation, and promoting young evaluators to become future leaders in the field.

EvalPartners wants to continue and expand its work further, in order to reach a point where evaluation is no longer perceived as a second thought, but rather a vital step which needs to be taken when considering decisions that affect civil society, regional environments, and international policies. EvalPartners, with support from its members and partners, will continue its journey to ensure evaluation will develop and grow into an innovative and inescapable field.

The Project:

On behalf of EvalPartners, the International Organization for Cooperation in Evaluation (IOCE) was awarded a Cooperative Agreement to support Strengthening the Role of VOPEs in Democratizing Learning and Evaluation: Democracy, Human Rights and Labor as a Showcase by the U.S. Department of State – Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor (DRL).

EvalPartners being a voluntary coalition, all management activities are done through volunteer work and the IOCE manages projects on behalf of EvalPartners. The overall project targets VOPEs and practicing evaluators in order to contribute to the objectives of: (1) documenting local solutions, (2) democratizing learning and evaluation, and (3) making evaluation a mainstreamed and necessary part of any decision-making process. The project period is twelve months starting from December 1, 2017. The project has four key activities to be accomplished in the project period:

  • Peer-to-Peer grants to eight North-South or South-South partnerships;
  • Innovation Challenge grants for three projects to pilot most viable innovations;
  • Development of E-learning module on DRG;
  • Development of a section on DRG in the VOPE Toolkit.

The Peer-to-Peer program and Innovation Challenge projects are already in implementation

Click here to read the full Terms of Reference.

How to apply:
Please send your applications (CV, cover letter and the proposed consultancy fee for the assignment) to with copy to by 6th June 2019. The selected candidate will be notified by 18th June. The consultant is expected to start the work on 1st July 2019.