12 – 16 December 2016
The training is expected to help participants understand the need for projects in development, appreciate the phases in project management, develop a practical project idea and write comprehensive project proposal. It will also equip participants to come up with possible project funding sources, liaise with stakeholders in project idea initiation and develop fundraising initiatives.
Results Based Monitoring and Evaluation of Development Projects Training
12th -16th December 2016
Result based monitoring and evaluation helps observe the results achieved throughout the project term. This five-day course focuses on bringing in accountability of monitoring and evaluation for ensuring project completion on time within budgeted costs.
Data management, Tabulations & Graphics, Statistical Analysis and Inferences using Stata Training
5th – 9th December 2016
Stata statistical software is an interactive data management and statistical analysis program, which has become very popular among researchers in most disciplines. The programme provides a broad range of statistics. It is very user-friendly and the tremendous potential of Stata to benefit the data management process is extremely amazing and exciting to explore. It provides everything you need for data analysis, data management, and graphics. The focus of this training is enable participants learning how to apply Stata in statistical analysis.