Training on Monitoring and Evaluation with Data Analysis for Development Results

May 8 – May 19, 2017

This is a comprehensive 10 days M&E course that covers the principles and practices for results based monitoring and evaluation for the entire project life cycle. This course equips participants with skills in setting up and implementing results based monitoring and evaluation systems including M&E data management, analysis and reporting. The participants will benefit from the latest M&E thinking and practices including the results and participatory approaches.

This course is designed to enable the participants become experts in monitoring and evaluating their development projects. The course covers all the key elements of a robust M&E system coupled with a practical project to illustrate the M&E concepts.

Click here for more information about this course.

Training on Results-Based Monitoring and Evaluation

The 5 days course covers the principles and practices for results based monitoring and evaluation. This course equips participants with skills in setting up and implementing results based monitoring and evaluation systems. The participants will benefit from the latest M&E practices including the results and participatory approaches. This course will bring learning to practice for participants to learn about the results levels and their linkage with indicators and techniques for tracking and assessing the progress of a project with the aim of achieving long term results.

Click here for more information about this course.

Training on Monitoring and Evaluation in Food Security and Nutrition

May 29 – June 2,2017

In order to achieve a world free of hunger and malnutrition, it is vital to provide sustainable solutions that provide the largest impacts on development outcomes. Monitoring and Evaluation tools and techniques plays a key role in ensuring Food Security programs are designed, implemented as plan and that they improve the well-being of the target communities. This course equips the participants with adequate skills to develop and manage robust M&E systems for effective management of FSN programs. The learner is introduced to FSN indicators, tools and techniques for M&E in FSN.

Click here for more information about this course.