Results Based Monitoring and Evaluation of Development Projects Training
Date: 25/09/2017
Result based monitoring and evaluation helps observe the results achieved throughout the project term. This five-day course focuses on bringing in accountability of monitoring and evaluation for ensuring project completion on time within budgeted costs.
Project Design, Proposal Writing and Fundraising Training
Date: 25/09/2017
The training is expected to help participants understand the need for projects in development, appreciate the phases in project management, develop a practical project idea and write comprehensive project proposal. It will also equip participants to come up with possible project funding sources, liaise with stakeholders in project idea initiation and develop fundraising initiatives.
Project Cycle Management Using the Logical Framework Approach Training
Date: 25/09/2017
This training follows a systematic process of introduction to Project Cycle Management and Logical Framework Approach. By the end of the training, the participants should be able to understand project cycle management, how to use the tools, and have basic skills in using the Logical Framework Approach in the management of projects and programmes.
Project Cycle Management Training
Date: 09/10/2017
Project Cycle Management PCM is a management tool based on Log-frame approach which is used in project development. The project cycle enables provision of structures that ensures Stake holders are consulted and relevant information is available thus enhancing informed decision making in crucial stages of a project. The cycle is made up of six components including; Programming, Identification, Formulation, Financing, Implementation and Evaluation. This course will equip participants with skills in project design using Logical Framework, Result based management concepts and the use of PCM as project structuring tool.