A variety of current powerful natural forces highlight the urgent need for better evaluation evidence and actions at the country level. Country-led evaluations of the SDGs have the potential to better engage country stakeholders in the design and conduct of priority national evaluations, and importantly, in the ownership of the results that helps foster follow-up actions.

In 2020, EvalPartners made good progress towards the development of a new UN Resolution on Promoting Country-led Evaluation of the SDGs at National Level.

On Monday 21 December, the Government of Nigeria convened a multi-stakeholder catalytic informational meeting with UN Member States about the potential new UN General Assembly Resolution building on discussions by a variety of multi-lateral and bilateral stakeholders in the United Nations (UNICEF, WFP, UNEG) and outside, including EvalPartners, the IOCE and other EvalNetworks. 

More than 60 Member States joined virtually to discuss their support for a new Resolution to be processed in the first quarter of 2021. The intention is for the Resolution to be tabled by Nigeria with the Second Committee in September 2021 and submitted to the General Assembly in the fourth quarter of 2021.

The Resolution builds on the GA Res 69/237 (2014), the 2030 Agenda (2015), and other initiatives calling for country-led evaluation of the SDGs. A concept note about the event can be read here.