EvalPartners takes great pleasure to invite you to participate in a 12-hour Twitter Dialogue on Country-led evaluation of the SDGs  scheduled for Friday, 9 July 2021 between 8am CEST and 8pm CEST.

The Dialogue coincides with a side event at the High Level Political Forum with the theme: Country-led SDG evaluations: the missing piece of the jigsaw? It is co-organised by a multi-stakeholder partnership comprising UNICEF, UN Women, WFP, IDEAS, the IOCE, the Global Parliamentarian Forum for Evaluation, EVALSDGs, EvalGender+, EvalYouth and EvalIndigenous.

You can join the HLPF event at this link.

[blockquote author=”” link=”” target=”_blank”]We invite you to participate in the Twitter conversation and share your reflections![/blockquote]

Participate by following these steps:

  1. Post your answers to the following three questions after they have been posted by the Twitter Dialogue co-hosts (EvalPartners, the Global Parliamentarian Forum for Evaluation, the IOCE, EvalYouth, EVALSDGs, EvalGender+, IDEAS and EvalIndigenous). The questions are:
  • 8am-1pm CEST:
    What was the one major achievement on National Evaluation Capacity Development over the last seven years?
  • 1pm-6pm CEST:
    What do we need to do to create an enabling environment for Country-led Evaluation of the SDGs?
  • 6pm-8pm CEST
    How can Country-led Evaluation help us achieve the SDGs?

  1. Post your own answers to the questions by adjusting the Answer cards – available for download here – feel free to create your own answer cards in line with your visual identity and post at any time during the 12-hour dialogue
  2. Tag partners, organisations and individuals when posting the questions to call for participation in the Dialogue
  3. Include the handle @EvalPartners and use the hashtags #EvidenceMatters #SDGEval #HLPF2021 when sharing your answers
  4. Your answers can also be posted as a video. Here are some guidelines:
    • Choose any setting unique to your environment – it could be a park, a market, a residential street, a business district in your city, or any other interesting outdoor or indoor environment
    • If possible, we’d like to see you out in the world that we hope will change if countries start to take greater ownership of evaluations. If you want, show us something unique to your country, or city
    • Ensure that the background noise is limited when recording. This may be challenging considering that you are outside – but ensure that your voice is audible in the version you submit
    • Keep the phone horizontal (never vertically) and at eye level, about 0.75m away from you
    • Position the phone in a steady position with the speaker fully visible and some headroom at the top
    • Ensure that any light (sunlight, windows or artificial light) does not come from behind you

[blockquote author=”” link=”” target=”_blank”]Share in the Twitter Dialogue and #HLPF2021 Side Event Build-up – download the resource pack here (in PDF and MS Word)[/blockquote]