EVALSDGs INSIGHTS (EIs) are produced by the Guidance Working Group (GG) of the EVALSDGs network. EVALSDGs is a global network formed to add value and learning to the SDGs. It works to support integration of evaluation into global and national SDGs review systems. EVALSDGs INSIGHTS are short, light and easy to digest notes on topics related to evaluation and the SDGs. They present ideas and new information and stimulate thinking to strengthen evaluation capacity. Seven EIs have been produced to date and six more are in the pipeline for 2020.
EI Dialogues are the mechanism devised by the GG for bridging the last mile, i.e. expanding access by bringing the messages in the EI to more audiences and in a more dynamic and interactive manner through the spoken word. This first EI Dialogue will show the evaluation practitioner how to navigate and engage with the complex and sometimes confusing world and reality of SDGs implementation landscape.
Ziad Moussa the Presenter has requested participants to send questions that they would like answered in respect of the topic of the dialogue.
We propose that all questions be sent to Hayat <hayat.askar@gmail.com> no later than COB Monday 24th February, 2020.
We look forward to our dialogue with you!