Location: Rofey Park Institute, Forest Road, Horsham, WSX RH12 4TB. United Kingdom
Contact us at: Email: training@social-terrain.com Phone: +44 78 99 90 2779
Social Terrain will be hosting Europe’s next annual 3-day Evaluation of Humanitarian Action (EHA) training workshop given by the highly experienced evaluators and trainers Margie Buchanan-Smith and John Cosgrave. Margie and John are co-authors of the seminal Evaluation of Humanitarian Action Guide (ALNAP, 2016) – www.alnap.org/eha. The Guide will be the foundation for this training.
The overall aim of the training workshop is to make evaluations more effective in contributing to the improved performance of humanitarian interventions and to enhance the quality of the evaluation process. This course is recommended for evaluators, managers and users of evaluations. Previous evaluation experience is not necessary, but some knowledge and experience of humanitarian action is required.
Click here for more information.